totara LXP Mobile training tools
for enterprise mobile workforces
In health, government, retail & More
mobile seminar attendance marking tool
Seminar Facilitator Attendance Marking Tools reimagined and rebuilt for Mobile.
Made easier, faster and more useful for taking attendance using mobile devices.
The most robust offline mobile scorm player for totara learn
SCORM packages love to crash and burn on iOS and Android mobile devices. This Mobile SCORM offline player has been forged in that fire over many years. Battle tested with many Client Production SCORM package varieties.
On-the-Job Training offline mobile assessment tool
Built to support Trainers that need to witness, mark complete and provide evidence that a Trainee has physically demonstrated an On- the-Job Competency.
Use the Mobile’s hardware, photo and video camera, audio recorder and Cloud drive files to provide evidence.
Mobile first design workflows with offline support.
government ready mobile training solutions
mobile enterprise sEcurity
Mobile Learning Pty Ltd supplies Mobile Training tools for Government organisations such as the Australian New South Wales Police Force.
Enterprise Mobile Security Solutions are available for Government organisations such as Biometric Authentication Touch-Id, Face-Id and Fingerprint, Database Encryption, Token Encryption, Token Cycling, File and Asset Encryption, Static and Dynamic Analysis protection, iOS Class A Hardware Protection and Android Root-Kit Tamper detection.
Services are also available for Mobile Security Architecture documentation, Mobile Cyber Security Penetration Testing and supporting Enterprise Mobile Security Team reviews.
Support for Public, Private App stores and enterprise Mobile device management deployment
Multiple Beta App Deployment options available for iOS and Android App Beta Testing during UAT and Pre-Approval App review stages.
Production Deployment options include Mobile Learning App Store, Client Enterprise App Stores and Mobile Device Management Systems.
Integrated with gDPR push notification servers
Mobile push notification servers with GDPR compliance capabilities for EMEA clients. Mobile GDPR integration requires a minimum of Totara Learn 11.
Totara partners

Contact us.
Email: info@mobilelearning.io
Address: Suite 1.19, 32 Delhi Road, North Ryde, NSW, Australia 2113